5 Misconceptions About Residential Epoxy Floor Coatings

Epoxy floor coatings in residential locations are becoming increasingly popular, but there are misconceptions about how the flooring works.

Residential garage floors (or any floor, for that matter) have an annoying habit of degrading over time.

The normal wear and tear of daily use – such as the weight of vehicles and the spills of chemicals – can do a number on an untreated cement floor.

Over time, chips, cracks, and soil leveling underneath can lead to floor issues that need to be fixed quickly.

If you are desiring to update or replace your flooring in your garage, an option you may have considered is an epoxy coating.

With epoxy, you can give your garage floor a dealership showroom sheen, and wow your neighbors with a high-quality floor.

However, many homeowners avoid epoxy due to the unknowns involved with this flooring method. In this article, we break down five of the most common misconceptions regarding residential epoxy floor coatings:

5 Myths Regarding Epoxy Flooring

Myth 1: Epoxy Coats Must Be Replaced Often

A major reason that homeowners pass over epoxy as an option is due to the myth that the coating must be replaced often.

Instead, many choose a “long-lasting” option, such as concrete. While these materials may offer a set-it-and-leave-it promise, only epoxy coatings provide the long-lasting functionality that you need in a garage floor. 

An average professionally-installed epoxy floor will last up to 10 years without a scratch or scrape.

When it comes to finding a flooring option that you will only need to purchase once, epoxy is the way to go.

Myth 2: Epoxy Floors Are Slick - and Dangerous!

The fantastic shine and sheen of an epoxy floor coating give the impression that the floor is incredibly slippery – and possibly dangerous.

However, once you know that epoxy floors are commonly used in hospitals, medical facilities, and other high-traffic industries, you will see that epoxy floors offer a great look with safety.

The chemicals that make up epoxy are mixed to be slip-resistant, offering an extra layer of protection to the floors. So there is no fear when it comes to epoxy!

Myth 3: Epoxy Is Too Expensive To Be Practical

Many homeowners avoid epoxy flooring because they believe that the purchase and installation are too expensive for their budget.

In reality, epoxy flooring is an incredibly practical choice financially!

Outside the initial installation costs, epoxy floor coatings more than pay for themselves in long-lasting durability.

You may face long-term expenses when choosing a cheaper solution upfront.

Myth 4: Epoxy Is No Different Than Paint

Epoxy may look like paint when it is dry, but the chemical makeup of professional epoxy coatings is far more complicated than standard house paint.

Epoxy is created to give your floor both a fantastic look and feel, and a highly damage-resistant coating.

Simply painting your flooring will not treat the problems on the floor that epoxy is designed to rejuvenate.

Myth 5: Epoxy Coats Are A DIY Job

While there are do-it-yourself epoxy flooring products available on the market, a quality epoxy coating should only be completed by an expert.

DIY epoxy mixes are typically manufactured with low-quality chemicals that can do more damage than good for your floors. 

A professional team can offer quality epoxy products, but they will work to ensure that your flooring is smoothed prior to installation.

Always contact an experienced epoxy flooring company in Maine before trying a DIY solution.

Residential Garage with Epoxy flooring
Flake Floor how long will epoxy floor last new england

The Epoxy Truth

As seen above, epoxy floor coatings are a great option for updating your floor with a great-looking, long-lasting product. To learn more about the epoxy floor coating process, as well as how you can bring an incredible epoxy look to your garage or other residential floors, contact your local epoxy floor company today

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